
Dorothy with Bella and Nikki
In a nutshell, I’m a lesbian fiction writer living with my partner and two poodles on the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington. Retired from careers in the mental health field and in journalism, I began publishing in 2015—fulfilling a lifelong dream.
I write about love, because I believe in the importance of loving someone—as well as loving animals and nature and other beautiful things. But loving does not come easily for everyone. We often bring into our relationships fears, preconceived notions, and baggage from the past, and we must work beyond these issues to really begin to love.
I try to write about realistic characters, ones with strengths and weaknesses, just like real people have. My themes tend to be universal, because life, work, loving, family, loss, and death are common to all people, not just lesbians. We may have unique qualities, but we are also part of a greater world.

Dorothy and Bella at Lake Crescent
My original audience was intended to be mature adults, more specifically mature lesbians who wanted a “cozy read,” love stories about women that develop in “real” time. However, I have found that my audience is broader than I had expected, and I have received positive reactions from men and women of all ages and sexual orientations. Surprise! And a happy one!
If you should come across NORTH COAST: A Contemporary Love Story, GIRLS ON THE RUN, and THE ARTEMIS ADVENTURE, you might want to take a look. My fourth novel,THE LITTLE RED BARN: An Olympic Romance, is available at Amazon.com. LIVES INTERTWINED: Love on Sequim Bay, is also available at Amazon, as well as its sequel, LONG-DISTANCE LOVING, my latest novel. All three are available in paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited for subscribers.